Events > IATEFL Conference 2004, Liverpool, 16-17 April > page 3

Friday 16 April

Students make the news: exploiting the media

Claire Millar (Bell Saffron Walden, England)

Report by Geoff Taylor, Computer SIG Committee member


Claire described a lesson framework based on published news media that:

  1. practised all four skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and
  2. exploited the facilities of the computer room and the language laboratory

She detailed a two-part 180-minute lesson, starting in the Internet-enabled computer room, and finishing in the language lab.

Part 1: In the computer room:
  1. Students, in the role of journalists, choose 4 different news stories
  2. They read and write short summaries of the stories
  3. They devise 3 comprehension questions per story
Part 2: in the language laboratory:
  1. Students record their summaries, then switch places with other students
  2. They listen to the other people’s story summaries, and answer the comprehension questions
Suggested variations and adaptations included:


The lesson plan seems eminently practical.

The talk was well-organised, very clear and well presented, with effective use of PowerPoint.

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