About the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG
(formerly, Computer SIG)
The Learning Technologies (LT) SIG is one of the largest and the oldest of the IATEFL SIGs. It began as the COMPUTERS SIG in the mid 1980s and now has around 500 members. This reflects the growing interest in new technologies.
The SIG is concerned with the applications of new technologies to English language learning. The SIG includes among its interests the use of corpora and concordancers, multimedia, computer mediated communication, text-based software, authoring, the WWW, Interactive Whiteboards and also the more technical issues Any and all of these, of course, have powerful uses in the many contexts which are EFL, from Young Learners, Independence, ESP, Business English, Teacher training, and indeed for all of the other SIGs.
- To raise awareness among ELT professionals of the power of learning technologies to assist with language learning
- To contribute to the knowledge base as to how learning technologies can be used for English language learning
- To develop members' expertise in the myriad of uses of learning technologies with their language learners
The IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG:
- produces a newsletter, the CALL Review, three times a year, available only to members of IATEFL. This includes the latest information on applications of computers to ELT, software reviews, Internet sites, and research related issues
- organises CALL and IT-related events in the UK and overseas, at least three times a year, with discounts for IATEFL members
- organizes the computer track at the main IATEFL conference. Other conferences are often organised both in the UK and abroad.
- runs a free email-based Discussion Forum
- maintains this Website
How to join 
To join the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG, you must belong to IATEFL. Membership of IATEFL is straightforward and brings additional benefits, including the main IATEFL Newsletter and a variety of publications at preferential rates.
Learn more about the benefits of joining IATEFL, and the various options available (such as the choice of Individual, Retired or Institutional membership) and if you wish, join IATEFL on-line at IATEFL's How to Join page: IATEFL Home page
How to get (more) involved 
The Learning Technologies SIG is entirely dependent upon the interest and enthusiasm of its members.
Most immediately, you can get involved by joining our free email-based Discussion Forum moderated by Gary Motteram, the Deputy Coordinator.
If you have any ideas or contributions for the CALL Review newsletter, please contact Michael Thomas, the Newsletter Editor.
If you have any suggestions for events, or feel that you can make any contribution to our activities, please contact Paul Hullock, the Events Coordinator.
If you have any other queries, suggestions or comments, please contact Sophie Ioannou-Georgiou, the SIG Coordinator, or one of the other Committee members on our Contact Us page.
If you have any suggestions for the Web site, please contact Pete MacKichan, the Webmaster.
Special Events 
The Learning Technologies SIG runs at least three special events a year. When possible, we post reports on previous SIG events, and announce forthcoming SIG events.
Travel Grants 
The Learning Technologies SIG is happy to announce that each year, starting with the Conference in April 2005, two travel grants of £250 each will be available to IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG members in order to assist them in attending the annual IATEFL International Conference. More information about travel grants for IATEFL Computer SIG members...
The CALL Review newsletter 
The Learning Technologies SIG has a high quality, regularly produced newsletter (three times a year), the CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Review. (It used to be called MUESLI News.) More information...
The Discussion Forum 
The Learning Technologies SIG has an international discussion and information list which operates via email and is very easy to use. All teachers are welcome to join the forum. It's a completely free service.
If you join, you can automatically receive the latest up-to-date Learning Technologies SIG news of forthcoming events and other notices; join debates with other teachers on issues related to educational technology; post queries or information messages that will be distributed to all subscribers; help colleagues across the globe with their queries. Find out more about (and join) the Discussion Forum.
Web links 
A selection of handy EFL/ESL hyperlinks, chosen by the Webmaster (often from member suggestions), and grouped by category. The categories include:
- Starting points
- Dictionaries & translation
- English language schools
- Internet tutorials
- Jobs
- Learner activities
- Lists of Web links
- On-line publications
- Organisations
- Other Learning Technologies/Computer SIGs
- Software companies
- Software to download
- Songs/Music
- Teachers' resources
- UK links
- Also try IATEFL's main links page
Site maintenance
Go to the Web Links Menu page
Committee Members 
For the moment, the committee members line-up is as follows:
- Gavin Dudeney - Committee Member
- Paul Hullock - Events Coordinator
- Sophie Ioannou-Georgiou - Coordinator
- Pete MacKichan - Webmaster
- Rodney Mantle - Committee Member
- Gary Motteram - Committee Member
- Michael Thomas Newsletter Editor
Find out more about the committee members: their professional interests and experience, Web pages, publications, and other things not to mention personal photos!